Unity 3D

A visual cheat-sheet for the 50 keyboard shortcuts found in Unity 3D

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Total Shortcuts: 50

  • Tools:9 shortcuts
  • GameObject:5 shortcuts
  • Window:10 shortcuts
  • Edit:14 shortcuts
  • Selection:2 shortcuts
  • Assets:1 shortcuts
  • Animation:9 shortcuts


  • PanQ
  • MoveW
  • RotateE
  • ScaleR
  • Rect toolT
  • Pivot mode toggleZ
  • Pivot rotation toggleX
  • Vertex snapV
  • SnapCtrl + (left click)


  • New empty game objectCtrl + Shift + N
  • New empty child to selected game objectAlt + Shift + N
  • Move to viewCtrl + Alt + F
  • Align with viewCtrl + Shift + F
  • Locks the scene view camera to the selected GameObjectShift + F


  • SceneCtrl + 1
  • GameCtrl + 2
  • InspectorCtrl + 3
  • HierarchyCtrl + 4
  • ProjectCtrl + 5
  • AnimationCtrl + 6
  • ProfilerCtrl + 7
  • Asset storeCtrl + 9
  • Version controlCtrl + 0
  • ConsoleCtrl + Shift + C


  • UndoCtrl + Z
  • Redo (MacOS)Ctrl + Shift + Z
  • Redo (Windows)Ctrl + Y
  • CutCtrl + X
  • CopyCtrl + C
  • PasteCtrl + V
  • DuplicateCtrl + D
  • DeleteShift + Del
  • Frame center selectionF
  • FindCtrl + F
  • Select allCtrl + A
  • PlayCtrl + P
  • PauseCtrl + Shift + P
  • StepCtrl + Alt + P


  • Load selection 1-9Ctrl + Shift + 1-9
  • Save selection 1-9Ctrl + Alt + 1-9


  • RefreshCtrl + R


  • First keyframeShift + ,
  • Key modifiedShift + K
  • Key selectedK
  • Last keyframeShift + .
  • Next frame.
  • Next keyframeAlt + .
  • Play animationSpace
  • Previous frame,
  • Previous keyframeAlt + ,


Unity Hotkeys: A list of keyboard shortcuts for Unity.

  1. Getting Started: An introduction to Unity, including setting up a project, creating scenes, and using the interface.

  2. Assets and Objects: Working with assets, such as 3D models, textures, and animations, and using them in Unity scenes.

  3. Components and Scripts: Using components, such as colliders, renderers, and scripts, to add functionality to objects in Unity.

  4. Physics and Animation: Using Unity's physics engine and animation system to create realistic simulations and animations.

  5. Graphics and Rendering: Customizing the appearance of Unity scenes, including lighting, materials, and rendering.

  6. Audio: Working with audio in Unity, including importing audio files, using audio sources and listeners, and mixing audio.

  7. Networking and Multiplayer: Creating multiplayer experiences in Unity, including setting up networks, using the Network Manager, and handling network traffic.

  8. Scripting and Programming: Using C# and Unity's scripting API to create custom scripts and plugins for Unity.

  9. Debugging and Optimization: Tools and techniques for debugging and optimizing Unity projects.

The manual also includes a glossary of terms, troubleshooting guides, and tutorials to help users get started with Unity.