Enhance Coding Efficiency | SublimeText.info

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Enhance Coding Efficiency | SublimeText.info

Sublime Text

A visual cheat-sheet for the 49 keyboard shortcuts found in Sublime Text

Reference Link


Total Shortcuts: 49

  • Editing:25 shortcuts
  • Navigation:4 shortcuts
  • General:3 shortcuts
  • Find/Replace:3 shortcuts
  • Split window:8 shortcuts
  • Bookmarks:4 shortcuts
  • Text manipulation:2 shortcuts


  • Cut lineCtrl + X
  • Insert line afterCtrl + Enter
  • Insert line beforeCtrl + Shift + Enter
  • Move line/selection upCtrl + Shift + Up
  • Move line/selection downCtrl + Shift + Down
  • Select line - Repeat to select next linesCtrl + L
  • Select word - Repeat selects other occurrencesCtrl + D
  • Jump to closing parentheses - Repeat to jump to opening parenthesesCtrl + M
  • Select all contents of the current parenthesesCtrl + Shift + M
  • Delete lineCtrl + Shift + K
  • Delete from cursor to end of lineCtrl + K, K
  • Delete from cursor to start of lineCtrl + K + Backspace
  • Indent current line(s)Ctrl + ]
  • Un-indent current line(s)Ctrl + [
  • Duplicate line(s)Ctrl + Shift + D
  • Join line below to the end of the current lineCtrl + J
  • Comment/un-comment current lineCtrl + /
  • Block comment current selectionCtrl + Shift + /
  • Redo, or repeat last keyboard shortcut commandCtrl + Y
  • Paste and indent correctlyCtrl + Shift + V
  • Select next auto-complete suggestionCtrl + Space
  • Soft undo; jumps to your last change before undoing, change when repeatedCtrl + U
  • Wrap selection in HTML tagAlt + Shift + W
  • Close current HTML tagAlt + .
  • Hard wrap line to ruler column settingAlt + Q


  • Quick-open files by nameCtrl + P
  • Goto symbolCtrl + R
  • Goto word in current fileCtrl + ;
  • Goto line in current fileCtrl + G


  • Command promptCtrl + Shift + P
  • Toggle sidebarCtrl + K, B
  • Show scope in status barCtrl + Shift + Alt + P


  • FindCtrl + F
  • ReplaceCtrl + H
  • Find in filesCtrl + Shift + F

Split window

  • Revert view to single columnAlt + Shift + 1
  • Split view into two columnsAlt + Shift + 2
  • Split view into three columnsAlt + Shift + 3
  • Split view into four columnsAlt + Shift + 4
  • Set view to grid (4 groups)Alt + Shift + 5
  • Split view into two rowsAlt + Shift + 8
  • Jump to group where number is 1-4Ctrl + 1-4
  • Move file to specified group where number is 1-4Ctrl + Shift + 1-4


  • Toggle bookmarkCtrl + F2
  • Next bookmarkF2
  • Previous bookmarkShift + F2
  • Clear bookmarksCtrl + Shift + F2

Text manipulation

  • Transform to uppercaseCtrl + K, U
  • Transform to lowercaseCtrl + K, L


This appears to be a website dedicated to Sublime Text, a popular code editor. The website is unofficial, meaning it's not maintained by the official Sublime Text team, but it provides additional resources and documentation to help users get the most out of the editor.

The main features of this website include:

  1. Unofficial Documentation: This section fills in the gaps in the official Sublime Text documentation, providing more detailed information and tutorials on how to use the editor.
  2. Repository of Packages: This section allows users to share and discover new packages that can be installed in Sublime Text to add new features and functionality.

The website also provides links to official Sublime Text resources, including:

  1. Official Documentation: This is the official documentation provided by the Sublime Text team, although it's noted that it's a work in progress and may have some gaps.
  2. Forum: This is the official Sublime Text forum where users can get technical help, discuss issues, and stay up-to-date with announcements.
  3. Report Bugs: This is where users can report bugs and issues they've encountered while using Sublime Text.
  4. Request Features: This is where users can submit ideas for new features and vote on existing ones. The votes can influence the development of new features.
  5. Announcements: This is where users can stay up-to-date with the latest news and announcements about Sublime Text development.

Overall, this website appears to be a valuable resource for Sublime Text users, providing additional documentation, packages, and resources to help them get the most out of the editor.